
King BO Dingleberry

 King BO Dingleberry is the wah, wah whiner man.

He sways, struts, and fumbles whenever he can.

No steps forward and all ten steps back.

He shims and shams around his 8-bit track.

King BO Dingleberry lies to our face.

We bend and bow in full disgrace.

He surrounds himself, with all his fools.

Better watch out- when he breaks all the rules.

King BO Dingleberry took all of us for a ride.

Beneath our noses, we took the big ole slide.

He betrayed us all with hope, change, and a new.

Fooling all the sheep except for the fortunate few.

King BO Dingleberry walked in upon the stage.

He truly was all the Liberal Progressive rage.

We had all the video to make us cry.

We would rather live in the world of deny.

King BO Dingleberry took the chance.

To fool us all, in his lovely dance of romance.

His legacy is to be at his right hand and pleasure.

Look deep and see his hidden secret treasure.

King BO Dingleberry moves can truly be found.

If you focus upon the stupid merry-go-round.

He was never what you thought or into the story you bought.

First Islam and Kitman, then the USA before he was caught.

King BO Dingleberry by (DRL) © Donna Rae Lands