
Ode to the Moose

 Ode to the Moose

Oh my gosh, Miss Moose,

now I'm quite distraught,

you were out on the loose

and must've got caught!

So you had to choose

not to have fought

or lose your caboose

to a moose hunter's shot!

So you surrendered

up yourself to be tied,

your freedom tendered,

helped save your hide.

I'll always remember

the cold days you'd hide,

in months ending 'ember

and we'd go for a ride.

Through forests of trees,

across fields of tall grass,

our backs to the breeze

and up through the pass.

You were eager to please,

you were such a fine lass,

you liked when I'd tease

with whip 'cross your ass.

So, in here, now you stride

and I ask, as you start to laugh,

"Did you miss me? I near died!"

"In your dreams!", more you laugh.

"Were you just out enjoying a ride?",

"None your business!", you laugh

and then you brush me aside

looking for the rest of the staff.

I say, "goofy, thank the Lord

you have made it back!

We've all been so bored,

lost trace of your track.

There's been much discord

over every word we lack,

since time we could afford,

our directions changed tack.

Some chose to play Bingo,

others chose to play cards,

a couple chose XBox Video,

those two were always 'tards.

And when it started to snow

and everything was froze hard,

we thought, 'well now we know'

and our hearts all were scarred.

We realized our goofy was lost

and she would never return,

some even cried at your loss,

such friendship you've earned.

But good Lord! At what cost!?

It's a shame, now we learn,

because, me being the boss,

I ordered all your stuff burned!".

Wishy June 20, 2018