
This morning the postman brought me

This morning the postman brought me

A letter from 'cross the sea

The script I can't decipher, but

The message is clear to me:

My love I'm getting married

To a woman of my own caste

So don't come back to India

What's past let be the past


Blue ~grey twilight gently falls

In empty keyhole~archwayed halls

And purple~shadowed corridors, I find

Shimmering golden desert miles

And ruby lips give hazy smiles

Within this shell~shocked emptiness, my mind.


This morning the postman brought me

Memories beyond recall

I cannot visualise the face

I only see an empty space

And yet that isn't all...

I'm still burning where you touched me

As you waited for the train

To take you back to Jaisalmere

And the smile you smiled remains


Mirages distort the scene

Reflecting what has never been

And nothing's ever quite the way it seems,

If love's transcending time and space

I 'll meet you in that quiet place

Within; let dreams remain untroubled dreams

King Rat..