
You say that I don’t love you ?

 I have an anti-love poem for an ex-wife, it's kind of along the line of bitter humor.



You say that I don’t love you

Because I sleep on the couch

I come back to bed

But then you send me back out

Neither you or I

Know what you are about

We would need a shrink

To figure you out

You throw the trash on the dryer

And my clothes down on the floor

Your dog gets my bed spot

And I’m sent back out the door

You throw my belongings into the garage

I just cant take anymore

Because no matter what I do

You find a reason to be sore

You even tell my friends

You prefer your dog to me

I'm under constant house arrest

It has the house in which to pee

I have to walk on egg shells

It poops and pukes around the house

You and it are the loving partners

I'm just the lowly spouse

I buy you roses

You throw them on my truck

I buy you gifts

You tell me that they suck

You can always find a reason

No matter what I do for you

To turn around and say

It is too little and too few

You treat me worse than the dog

You treat me worse than the trash

You can always find a reason

To treat me like an ass

It hurts too badly for me

To take every stinging lash

But, it seems that treating me badly,

To you, is all just one big bash

You tell me I smell too badly

And kick me out of bed

You prefer the scent of your dog

And let it put it's butt where I’d rest my head

You’re the eighth world wonder

You can’t be quite right in the head

You just can’t want us to be happy

After all that you have said

But, I shower every morning

Before I go to work

Still you tell me that I stink

And then treat me like a jerk

You are always on my back

While stabbing me with a dirk

When will you ever stop all this

And stop always being irked

You accuse me of sleeping

With a friend’s 19 year old girl

But you are always running around yourself

Your confused mind is always in a whirl

Your constant contrary attitude

Causes your emotions to unfurl

The way you always start a fight

Really makes me want to hurl

You’ve taken all of my money

You’ve taken all of my soul

You’ve taken all of my heart

And left me this huge and aching hole

You’ve been abusive to my family

You’ve chased away all of my friends

How much more of me will you take

Before you let this all end

You’ve taken every thing

That I have had to give

And left me in this misery

In which I have to live

The certainty of which

You must really know

Of how empty our lives now are

With nothing left to show

It is so pathetic

I stayed with you so long

With you looking for reasons

To constantly treat me wrong

It seems like such a pity

That my talent for writing poems

Is just seemingly wasted in

Writing your abuse in lengthy tomes

How can I have been so stupid

To have stayed with you so long

Now I've had an awakening

Just plain color me gone

I'm taking my new life

And running away from you

I'm heading out of hell

Never to return to you

When will this constant nonsense

Ever come to a final end

Without you looking for a barrel

Over which to have me bend

We need some final chapter

We need a final end

Lord knows we’d certainly be much happier

If you’d just treat me like a friend

God help the poor next sucker

Who casts his eyes on you

He'll never know what hit him

when the dynamite charge in you

Blows up in his unwitting face

And rips him clean apart

I only hope he can finish what

He should never have allowed to start

Wishy Circa 1999