Weenie The Cat Genie
Weenie The Cat Genie
The fabulous Friday dawned
And Weenie The Cat Genie burst into a song
What magic could he work today?
What purple and pink explosions?
What dynamite planted in our way?
Weenie winked at the new calm
And started work on some new bombs
A big band sound and a tower of kitty drums
Weenie giggled with expectant glee
As he planned his last stand
To fight for his right to party
Everyone was brought into the fray
The manic activity and the speedy proclivity
All not on board to the party forced out of the way
Take your popcorn and butter it while you are still young Weenie sung
Watch the misery, light the fires and dance as your enemies are hung
Burn the whole place down if you must
It's the guests all get their way or bust!
No time for tranquil reflection or trying to trust
Rules not cool when the party cat is stubborn as a mule
No limits, no red pill or blue
All will be fine if all just do as we tell you
Weenie The Cat Genie was pleased with himself
No need for the opinions of anyone else
Mischief and silly crusades were on the table every day
So Friday came and he blew it up
The science of peace making was not ever enough
The little stills lasted seconds before a new storm beckoned
More endless talk and worthless chatter
To fix the atmosphere that should have been left alone and was good while house rules mattered
Weenie was his own magnificent creation
Not a troll bringing chaos from station to station
The lesson here is to look at the trouble and noise
And subdue the loud and rude and give peace a voice
And to look within if chaos visits you often
Maybe your words and deeds your heart can soften
"Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace."
Chit Chat Bar is a place worthy that rebel yells cease
Written by KittyPartyUnity
For Purple Prince's sanity
And to end CCB calamity
3/10/2023 5:45 am EST Friday